
Thakurnagar, P.O Thakurnagar, Dist. North 24 Pg, WB




  1. Parents/guardians are requested to see their children attend the school in time, and to ensure that those who come to pick up they should be present at the time when the school closes. Two identity cards are issued from the school office (one of the students and another for the parents) and it is advisable for the parents that this Identify Card is retained with the persons authorized to take the child home from the school.

  2. Parents /Guardians are requested not to meet their children or interview teacher during school hours without the permission of the Principal.

  3. Parents are requested not to take their children for holidays before the set date for vacation or to extend the vacation. No leave/absent for the child will be granted

  4. Parents are requested not to take their children for holidays before the set date for vacation or to extend the vacation. No leave/absent for the child will be granted without a previous written application from the parent/guardian.

  5. All correction regarding the students is to be addresses to the Principal in writing

  6. Parents are requested to co-operate with the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline, by taking an interest in the children's progress and by attending Principal & Parents meeting and parents & teachers, meeting when requested.

  7. Parents and guardians must keep in touch with the school notice board for certain Information and change that might occur from time to time

  8. Parents and guardians should not stand near the school gate once their ward enters the school complex.

  9. Students should reach the schoolboy 8:10 am school gate will be closed by 8:15 am. On working days the principal is available to parents and 9. guardians from 9 am to 10 am.

  10. Vehicles are not allowed to park in front of the school gate 11. To acquire greater facility in the study of English, only English should be spoken in the school premises. English should be spoken as a medium of communication at all times within the school premises by the students and teachers.

  11. All the above mentioned rules and regulations are subjected to change from time to time.